September 27, 2014

Individual Track Download vs Virtual CD

In today's world folks like to download individual tracks to meet an immediate need.  They tend to ignore the "Lifetime Blanket" each track comes with and treat their downloads more nearly as "needle drops".  Are they building a useful library for the future? Maybe.  They trade off higher unit costs for cash flow budgeting.  No real problem and from a fiscal point of view perhaps the best course.  But what about building a library with lower unit costs?  Two ways to do it.  Buy a CSS bulk download plan and save up to 90% (yes 90%) or buy virtual CDs (we call them Q-Discs).  The old rule of thumb on a CD volume was if 3 tunes were immediately useful, the disc was worth buying on the assumption that sooner or later a client would want the unused tunes in a project.  Remember another rule of thumb: there ain't no accounting for taste.  So taking this to its final conclusion, you can lower unit costs with a bulk download plan ($7 unit costs are easy to achieve and as low as $3 is very doable) or buy a Q-Disc.  As an example, a Q-Disc of say Super Themes vol 1 would cost $99.  If you like 3 tunes and buy them individually you would pay $120.  But with 36 tracks on the Q-Disc your unit cost vs individual download would only be $2.75 ($8.25 if you only count the 12 base tracks).  And what if you bought 2 Q-Discs?  The 2nd one would be 50% off and the unit costs go down again.  Something to think about.

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