November 02, 2016

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Which Style of Rock Is Right For Your Project?

Remember the good ol’ days when Rock ‘n Roll meant (usually) a four piece band with guitars, bass and drums? Introduced by Bill Hailey and The Comets, Elvis, Buddy Holly and later refined by the Beatles and the Stones, Rock became an integral part of our lives. Then came the psychedelic era introduced by guitar legend Jimi Hendrix and bands like Jefferson Airplane. As the 1970’s matured, a new Soft Rock sound became the staple of Pop radio. And while this was happening, the musician-centric Progressive Rock style was being heard on the expanded FM radio band along with a Hard Rock sound from the likes of AC/DC, Cheap Trick and Arrowsmith.

Through the 1980’s and into the late 1990’s more and more styles of Rock appeared on the scene. Punk, Electro, Grunge, Alternative, Speed Metal and Heavy Metal are only a handful of the new brands introduced to the world. And all styles being as different as can be!

So you have a project that needs some energy and you need to decide which Rock style will best serve your scene. Hmmm. How long is a piece of string? Seriously, you might be surprised that a track from CSS Music’s Super Themes Volume 59 “Rock and Urban Muscle” might work great for a fashion show…or fishing show! Or a track from Project Platinum’s Techo Meat Rock might be a perfect match to a number of action scenes. It will probably boil down to tempo and arrangement. If your scene has a lot of dialog, something groove oriented will make the most sense. If you’re cutting together action, go for that track with the screaming guitar solo!

CSS Music pays homage to many great Rock styles as well as keeping up with the new trends as they appear on the scene. When you’re looking for Rock, we suggest you check out our Keyword Search page and Hand Picked Genres. With selections from various Rock genres, we think you’ll find the perfect track in a matter of minutes. Rock on, Wayne! J

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