The Changing Sounds of Nature Music from CSS Music
Remember when you really couldn’t underscore a morning
outdoor nature scene without hearing a flute trill? J Composers most likely thought
of the opening stanza from Rossini’s “William Tell Overture” that was used
extensively for morning scenes in film and cartoons. In fact, for years the
flute has defined nature music due to its bird-like sound and light, lilting
Today, a solo dobro slide, fiddle crescendo or arpeggiated
acoustic guitar chord can underscore the sun rising on an outdoor morning
scene. And these instruments are much more in “tune” with the popular sound of
roots music today from the likes of Mumford and Sons and The Lumineers.
At CSS Music we continue to add the contemporary styles that
serve contemporary nature scenes so perfectly. Review our exceptional Super
Themes library and you’ll find an entire CD (Volume 9 Nature Sphere) devoted
exclusively to the nature genre. There are also solo guitar, bluegrass and
“Swampabilly Rockers” volumes that will serve you well from Super Themes.
When you need a terrific “bad weather is coming” track, we
highly suggest “Dark Swamp Adventure” on PowerTrax Volume 31. This track is
structured similarly to a movie trailer with beginning, middle and finale. CSS
Music has beefed up our roots-based music selection with a number of new
volumes this year. Click on Nature (Outdoors & Environments) to audition
some of the creative and varied tracks in this category.
What’s that? You’re doing a tongue-in-cheek outdoor morning
scene and you DO want that opening from the “William Tell Overture?” No
problem! Simply scroll down the CSS Music/Zero Fee Music home page to
Build-A-Search and type in “Rossini.” You’ll find both sections of this
classical masterpiece in our Digital Ditties library!
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