February 21, 2017

Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot?

Royalty Free Music Resolutions For The New Year

Don’t we always have lofty goals as a new year begins? And let’s face it: losing 100 lbs. ain’t an easy task! But organizing your music so you have quick access in your day-to-day work is something you can most likely accomplish in a day. And of course, we’d recommend using as much Royalty Free Music from CSS Music as possible! J

Seriously, a day in the office--maybe a Saturday when things are quiet and your S.O. and the kids are busy--will make the rest of the year a lot easier! How you like to organize is a personal choice, but we’ll throw out a couple suggestions just the same. The important thing is to have your music arranged in folders so it’s quickly accessible.

You probably have favorite royalty free music tracks you use in your show (besides open and closing credits) all the time that have worked well. Why not create a folder just for those? Maybe title “Favorites” or similar. See? You’ve already started your organizing! (Chances are you’ve already done this, but what the heck.)

Next, set up folders for the genres of music you most often use and assign classifications. This is where the work begins. By now you have a sense of your show(s) and where you think they’re headed for the upcoming year.  For example, have the executives asked for more heart touching moments? Or more comedic scenes—maybe they want the action scenes amped up another notch? Knowing what you’ll need, search your libraries for tracks that will best serve those needs and download into the proper folders. Hopefully, the track titles will provide a strong indicator of what the music is like.

When you have 1). Found some really useable stuff or 2). Gone batty from too much listening, color code files via option-click or right-click. Maybe red for hot tracks you want to try, yellow for “maybes,” blue for “worth keeping but not sure where to use,” etc. Even adding this final step will save you time when searching music for your next show—and will have you set for the upcoming year! And as we said earlier, don’t be afraid to load up those folders with lots of CSS Music! J

And before you download tunes that will go into your folders, you might want to also use the CSS Playlist tool.   When you’re pre-production on your projects you can open a playlist for each scene.  You can open as many playlists as you like.  It’s a free service. You can add notes on each tune you add to a playlist and when your thinking is tentatively set, you can e-mail your playlists across the hall or around the world. Your clients or cohorts can listen and read your notes and make notes of their own and send the playlist(s) back to you.  And when all is said and done and everyone gives their stamp of approval, you can download CSS Royalty Free music from your playlists.  Check the playlist utility out, we think you’ll like it. http://www.cssmusic.com/DAWN//Playlists/index.cfm?fa=Info

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