August 15, 2016

The Positive Accordion Player

The Funniest Instrument Makes A Comeback

You’ve probably heard the joke, “What do you call an accordion player with a beeper?” Answer, “An optimist.” While that quip may have elicited a laugh 20 years ago, the accordion is now quite hip! With bands like The Lumineers, Mumford and Sons, Counting Crows and a number of Cajun influenced bands strapping on the weighty squeezebox (or less cumbersome concertina,) this keyboard is now all the rage. And CSS Music has music that utilizes this instrument in the best ways possible. For example, a track like “Bayou Backwaters Boil” on Powertrax AV Volume 33 captures the steamy swamp music that you guys always ask for to add heat to your shows. Or get down with “Zydeco Party” on Super Themes Volume 17.

What’s that? You want a polka?!?  No problem. Use our Redi-Trax search system, click on Keywords (or enter “Polka” in the search window) and you’ll discover everything from “The Clarinet Polka” to TexMex flavors to a comical track entitled “Stinky Poo Polka.” Of course if you want the romantic styling of the accordion, there’s “Paris At Night” on Digital Ditties Volume 2 and “Paris Street Song” found on Super Themes Volume 17.

Yes, the accordion has been a much-maligned instrument. But for particular color in certain scenes, there’s nothing like the squeezebox to evoke many moods. And we at CSS Music will proudly parade our inner geekiness to get you guys the music you’ll want for your next show!

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