August 01, 2016

Zeroing In On Your Music Quest

A Quick Tutorial On Our Search System

We know how busy you guys are getting product out the door as quickly as possible. That’s why CSS Music and Zero Fee Music offer three ways to find what you’re looking for—fast! Perhaps the most expeditious option is to utilize our Hand Picked Genres page. We know that probably 90% of the time you’re looking for a track in a particular genre and don’t need to get into a deep search for something distinctive. The broad-based choices on this search will quickly get to the best of each category.

But if you do need to get specific, we have two other systems for you. Our Keyword Alpha List allows you to hone in on your choice of style, emotion or just about anything running around in your mind. Say you just want something “happy.” Using the center alphabetic row, Keywords H-Q and choosing “Happy” you’ll have pages of options available to you.

Finally, we have the CSS Music Multiple Keyword Search a/k/a Redi-Trax. This system allows you to type in your own multiple keywords or you can use our own compilation of pre-screened words. At the top of the page on the right hand side you will see a drop down menu, Keywords. Simply click on that and you will open a window with hundreds pf choices--categories like “animal chase” all the way to “zany.” Or you can type your own keywords in the space at the top of the page.

Finding the right music quickly is essential when time is ticking and your Production Manager wants this week’s episode, now! CSS Music is always striving to make your music selection as painless as possible.

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