September 27, 2016

Classically Gassed

A Look At Quasi-Classical Music

Have you ever run into a situation where a piece of classical music seems appropriate but when you fly it in, the familiarity factor raises its ugly head? Yeah, it helps the scene but that Bach piece has been used to death. Might we suggest looking at the CSS Music original, quasi-classical tracks?

On the CSS Music search page,  you will find our list of hand picked genres for your perusal. Click on “Classical” and you will find 400 tracks from our library in a variety of styles, tempi and arrangements. Besides the “Greatest Hits” from the Masters, there are original pieces like “Classical Touch” (Super Themes, Vl. 37,) a gentle guitar piece with a nod toward the great Andre Segovia. And on Super Themes Vl. 13 there’s a playful original piece by David Wurst entitled, “Scherzando in C Major” that could work extremely well in place of a more familiar Mozart or Bach piece.

Need something that’s totally whack? Listen to “Information Explosion” (Super Themes, Vl. 18) that incorporates classical themes over a busy electronic sequencer bed. And for the Holidays there’s a quasi-classical piece from Project Platinum, Vl. 10, “The Christmas Waltz.” Speaking of waltzes, there’s an interesting piece in Repro-File Potpourri called “E flat Waltz” that evokes a scenic, travelogue vibe.

Of course if you need something from the classical era, CSS Music has an assortment  of some of the most popular themes ever composed. From Bach to Vivaldi, we have conventional classical to suit any situation you might encounter. Oh! If you’ve never heard Mason William’s “Classical Gas,” Google it. J

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