September 16, 2016

To FX or Not FX, That Is The Question

When Does An Electronic Effect Make Sense

Have you noticed in some popular sitcoms that a non-musical effect, like a bell tree run, is used as a transition? Maybe that effect (FX) is followed by a musical stinger? Perhaps the Director of a show you work on has asked you to add a little sizzle to the production?

CSS Music’s 6-disc library E-EFX has you covered when you need FX. Each track usually contains multiple versions of each effect giving you a choice in style and length. And we’ve attempted to make each disc style specific for your needs. For example, the original disc one of E-EFX is a potpourri of effects with some fun cartoon elements. Disc II is more “whooshes and zaps” while E-EFX III provides light swooshes and sparkles. Disc IV introduces some Alternative Rock thinking while Discs V and VI are your solid workaday FX.

The big question is: Will an electronic effect work? The nebulous answer: “It depends.” If you’ve been working on a show that’s been on the air for years, will introducing new sounds freak out your audience? Or will adding a light swoosh to a wipe transition elevate and advance the production value?

While it’s impossible to hook your audience up to people preference meters, you CAN get consensus by asking people in your office as well as friends and family for their feedback. They may not even notice you’ve used something new or they might say, ”What’s that?” Focus group testing of this nature will probably provide the answer.

Of course, the show’s original creator may be the final arbiter. At CSS Music we always say, “The boss is always right.” ;-)

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