October 23, 2017

Technology Marches On

Getting The Most Out Of The CSS Royalty FreeMusic Library For High Tech Shows

As we’ve mentioned, CSS Music began primarily as a library for the AV-Video market of the 1980’s. And since that time, we’ve enhanced this category with new takes on this wide-ranging genre. But the question becomes: What exactly constitutes Technology music? Does it have to be comprised of tightly quantized synthesizer or washes of billowing evolving tones? Is there still a place in your shows for some old school sounds or perhaps a modern take using orchestral instruments?

While traditionally synthesized music will always work well, may we suggest listening to a few tunes from the CSS Music library that might work as well while giving you a new perspective?  For example, “Technota in D” (Project Platinum 21) uses an arpeggio piano figure, strings and power guitar while still putting one in mind of technology with a Classical twist. Or “Age Of Exploration” (Super Themes 25) where a tympani rhythm drives the music while a brass-like synthesizer delivers the melody. When you want a more contemporary feel, “Industrial Firepower” (Super Themes 42) uses rock guitar with 1980s-style drums with a definite nod to the melodic figures of that era.

When you’re looking for something quirky, “Happy Science” (Max Trax 50) combines sections of traditional technology sequencers with smatterings of swirling string section runs and a melody/harmonic progression that has a 1960’s vibe. This catchy track also jumps between a rock groove to a double time feel. Need something more sci-fi with video game appeal? Audition “Virtual Warriors” (Super Themes 27) and imagine this track underscoring your scene.

If you click on “Technology” from our Hand Picked Genre/Category Hot Lists search engine you’ll see 46 pages of very diverse industrial/technology tracks from the CSS Music library—and that’s a lot of music! We still pride ourselves on creating very strong music to service the AV-Video market while working to give you both traditional synth/sequencer tracks as well as those that incorporate new thinking using orchestral and rock elements/arrangements. When it comes to music for technological shows, we think CSS Music has it in spades!

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